This has NOTHING to do with gravity guy 1. This is just raising platforms. Gravity guy 1 was way better. Get Gravity Guy 1 if you want to play the REAL gravity guy!
This has NOTHING to do with gravity guy 1. This is just raising platforms. Gravity guy 1 was way better. Get Gravity Guy 1 if you want to play the REAL gravity guy!
Very good and fun game to pass time by. Its not what i expected its not like gravity guy 1. I rate games and apps based on how much I enjoy them not if its the same as the original or not. Epic game
Just awesome … cant take my hands off it
Its a fun game to play.
This game is mother firetruckin awesome
It is really fun and addictive
Better then the first one for sure
They did good jobs on both
It is nothing like the 1st one at all dont like
This is not a sequel to the first gravity guy.Nothing like it but its still a fresh good game.
I love gravity guy 2 its fun From sherrine on Sunday December /29/2013
Best game ever!!!!!!!!
Cool but can we have the gravity like the 1
This is a really good and kind of addicting game but it is a terrible "gravity guy" game. I think I would like this game much more if it wasnt named after one of my favourite iOS games.
Better than gravity guy 1 worth the money
Its a really good game but its not gravity its moving platforms and only has 1 mode I wish you added gravity flipping and more than 1 game mode thanks do it or else
Awesome gameplay. However, in the App Store, it shows the game being played in Landscape mode. When I downloaded it, it could only be played in Portrait mode. This limits what I can see when I start playing. Please fix.
The one was better of the 2
Bad bad!!! You ruined the hole game platforms=
I think it is a AWESOME game but I really dont think it should be called gravity guy 2 because its nothing like the first one. Still though it is worth the $1 Please change name or add gravity power plz. Thanks